We start with auditing your current state to understand your business and customer needs. We then train your team on suitable AI technologies and their applications. By the end, you'll have a roadmap for leveraging AI customized to your business priorities.
We customize workshops to your business needs, providing hands-on education to ensure your leadership and product team are well-versed in the latest advancements in generative AI, effective tools, and productivity methods. Your team will walk away with practical skills for building and using AI-driven tools.
Gain immediate value from an experienced Fractional Product Leader with AI expertise. We work with your team to identify AI opportunities and support execution. We provide immediate business value while educating your team on generative AI, ensuring they can continue to drive value after our engagement.
coaches help you focus on the key outcomes your customers or users are expecting your product to deliver. This way, customer value is turned into business value—a core concept in our book,
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an invite-only community of product leaders—and access a premium library of guides, templates, and other practical resources. We also customize materials for your specific needs.